Australia’s National Skin Check Day (ANSCD) is next Thursday 23rd February – the last Thursday in Summer.
ANSCD is a national action day for our national cancer! Mates Against Melanoma has created ANSCD to raise public awareness and to increase community participation rates for the early detection of melanoma and related skin cancers.
Drs Berlinda Png and Jeff Hall will be performing skin checks as part of the ANSCD 2023 on Thursday 23rd February. Please call the practice to book in 4284 4622.
Don’t worry if you can’t book on that day. Skin checks are available with all GPs in the practice – find out more about our Skin Check Clinic.
Prevention and Skin Self-Checks
Try to become familiar with the look of your skin, so you can pick up any changes that might suggest a skin cancer. Look for:
- any crusty, non-healing sores
- small lumps that are red, pale or pearly in colour
- new spots/freckles or moles changing colour, thickness or shape over a few weeks or months.
If you notice a strange new mole on your skin or an old mole that’s started changing, it’s important to see your GP right away. Some people at higher risk require regular, planned skin assessments.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Your GP will conduct a skin check using a magnifying instrument called a dermoscope. If they find anything concerning, they may recommend cryotherapy or other non-surgical treatments, or biopsy or referral to a dermatologist. You will need to make a subsequent appointment if surgical treatment is required.